For centuries martial arts masters have studied the motion
of nature and animals and observed the relationship of the unlimited
mobility of their movements and their natural ability to heal themselves.
Centuries of research concluded that wild animals through their
ability to move naturally, gracefully, and without limitations seldom
get sick. Once realized, many practitioners mimicked the movements
of different wild animals, fitting them to the way the human body
moves. Through generations many adjustments to the forms were necessary
to fine-tune these movements to maximize the health benefits to
the human body. Through constant refinement, and observation of
their own body's reaction to the movements a concise and accurate
way to develop these movements was achieved.
Other forces of nature were also observed and adopted into martial
arts movements. The forces of the exploding volcano became the form
Tang Ooh. Studying the rolling forceful motion of the ocean waves
became Tang Nang. There are literally hundreds of variations of
KUNG FU styles. Some are not based on the natural movements of animals,
but all incorporate the same general principles.
Through the Main Hyung (main form) practice of KUNG FU, the mind
and body will develop and retain the mental sharpness and physical
strength that will last throughout your entire life, while developing
the internal strength to maintain good health. Other benefits include
better reflexes, coordination, agility, timing and speed, and an
enhanced ability to focus. Also through practice, circulation and
oxygen intake are improved allowing you to expel toxins from the
body and develop a more responsive immune system.
More information on Kung Fu from the Oom Yung Doe student handbook
