Description of the 18 weapons:
- Tan Bong -Wood or steel stick, approximately two feet long with a braided silk fabric tassel at the top.
- Chong Bong - 6-foot long wood or steel pole.
- Tan Chu Chuck Bope -Two wood or steel sticks with a chain in between. Note: Once achieved, one is capable of performing Sam Pyo Chung.
- Jang Chu Chuck Bope - Two 2-foot sticks with a chain in between, or three 21/2 foot sticks with chains in between.
- Kom -Chinese sword.
- Sang Kom - Double Chinese sword (two swords).
- Doe (Chinese Sword) - Straight double-edged blade and a sharp point (pictured below).
Doe (double edged sword). Correct practice with the Doe requires tremendous focus and concentration. |
- Sang Doe (Double Chinese Sword) - Two of the same weapon. Straight double-edged blade and a sharp point.
- Chang Sool - Wood or steel pole with sharp point and blade at the end (6-foot long).
- Pyo Kom - 3 1/2 foot steel pole with a hook on one end, a point on the other. It has a handle 1/3 the way down its length, with 1/4 moon blade over the handle.
- Sang Pyo Kom -(Two Pyo Kom) - Double sword with 31/2 foot steel pole with a hook on one end, a point on the other. It has a handle 1/3 the way down its length, with 1/4 moon blade over the handle.
- Sang Chul Quan - Single-edge Chinese sword with several rings on the blade.
- Bu Chae - Chinese fan with steel spikes.
- Chung Yun Doe - Steel pole, 4-foot long, with Chinese sword at the end that has one ring on the blade (pictured below).
- Dok Chim Sui Sa Sul - 6-foot steel chain with a heavy weighted point.
- Mae Hwa Kom Bope - Sword (Kom) technique with the grace of a woman and the strength of a tornado.
- Gook Ki Chang Jang Sul - 7-foot steel spear with flag on the end and sharp point at the top.
- Sin Doe Kom Bope - Sword (Kom) technique with lightening fast movement.
* Practice time varies from 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours per each Hyung.
NOTE: If someone absorbs the 18 traditional Moo Doe weapons listed above, they can properly perform any weapon known throughout history.