The Eight Martial Arts Styles Taught as One
A great deal of mental and physical training is required for Moo Doe. The following are examples of the differences between each style of Moo Doe. Instructors will provide further explanation.
1.) Hap Ki Do / Ai Ki Do
(Korean Style and Japanese Style)
In Hap Ki Do, movements are hard and soft. Target areas are the joints, pressure points and nerves. Close proximity to opponent is most beneficial. Hands and feet are equally used in offensive and defensive movements. Strikes are in all directions, and are more angles than circles.
Similarly, in Ai Ki Do, movements are hard and soft, and the target areas are the joints, pressure points and nerves. However, hands are usually used more than the feet. Offensive and defensive movements are applied in all different directions, angles and curves, and a very strong handgrip is used.
“Wrist grab” self-defense technique demonstrates defensive and offensive application of Ai Ki Do. |